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What is Cyber Marketing?

Cyber marketing is completely based on the Internet. In today’s time billions of people are connected to the Internet. Through the Internet, you can not only inform the people around you but also the people of other countries about the upcoming brand.

Cyber marketing can also be called digital marketing in simple language. In cyber marketing, you can promote your business or brand sitting at home through a computer.

There are many special and worth knowing things about cyber marketing. If you want to come in the field of marketing or business then you should know about cyber marketing. In today’s article we will talk about cyber marketing and know what is cyber marketing and what are the advantages and disadvantages of cyber marketing? So let’s get started!

What is importance Cyber Marketing?

A lot is known about this by the name of cyber marketing. The term cyber refers to the culture of computers, information technology and virtual reality and you all know about marketing. That is, in simple language, marketing done through virtual means like computer and internet is called cyber marketing.

Cyber marketing means promoting products and services to the target audience using computer technology and the Internet. Cyber marketing includes all the methods of advertising through the Internet such as email, website, online banner, online forum and social media etc.

What is the difference between digital marketing and cyber marketing? difference between digital marketing and cyber marketing in hindi

Many people consider digital marketing and cyber marketing to be different but it is not so. Cyber marketing is a part of digital marketing. Cyber marketing is completely based on internet,

Whereas Digital Marketing also includes SMS, Web TV Ads and Digital Ads. But internet marketing can be called cyber marketing. But if seen, these three are almost the same.
Why is Cyber Marketing Important? Why is Cyber Marketing Important?

In the last few years, the Internet has spread very fast. Earlier, where only rich people could enjoy the Internet for free, after the advent of Jio, it has become common for everyone to use the Internet fiercely. Apart from this, the use of internet is already quite common in other developed countries.

The internet has spread so much at this time that parents create social media accounts of the child as soon as it is born. This was just an example but in today’s era everyone uses social media like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, Tiktok etc.

In such a situation, there are many people on the Internet in front of whom you can promote your products and services. If you start any type of business, to get customers in the beginning you need promotion or if you say marketing.

If you want, you can do offline marketing like billboards, radio etc. But through these you are able to reach only a specific public, but if you take the help of cyber marketing then you can reach your products to more people and earn more profit.

Apart from this, there is also a special thing that in today’s time cyber marketing has become so advanced that you can target your audience yourself. By targeting your audience yourself, your products are promoted to people interested in the product. In addition, you can choose in which city and at what time to promote.

Most importantly, cyber marketing costs a lot more than offline marketing. Even after spending more money in offline marketing, you get less audience whereas in cyber marketing you get more audience for less cost. Apart from this, if your business is connected to the internet like e-commerce etc. then cyber marketing will be best for you.

Advantages of Cyber Marketing – Benefits of Cyber Marketing in Hindi

Cyber marketing or if you say digital marketing has become the first choice of marketers for some time now. There are many advantages of using the Internet for marketing, which are as follows:

1. Less money, more work: The biggest advantage of cyber marketing is that due to the lack of physical things in it, more money would have to be paid. We can reach many people in very less money. In cyber marketing, many people can be targeted for promotion through Facebook Ads, Google Ads etc.

2. Anywhere, Anywhere: A special feature of Internet Marketing is that you can buy your products from anywhere through Internet Marketing. That is, you neither need extra space nor extra staff! You can promote your business on your own level through Internet Marketing through your budget.

3. Create Ads as you want: One of the special things of Internet Marketing (Cyber Marketing) is that you can customize Ads according to you. This will attract more people to your ads, which will give you more profit in the business. Apart from this, you can customize your ads whenever you want, which is not there in offline marketing.

4. Take advantage of social media: Most of the people use social media for entertainment and timepass only. But if you want, you can benefit your business by taking advantage of it. Through Internet Marketing, you can learn the right use of Social Media. Promotions can be done both free and paid through social media.

5. Stay connected with the customer: One of the biggest advantages of cyber marketing is that you can stay connected with your customers through cyber marketing. When you stay connected with your customers, the connection between you and them gets stronger and trust grows. With this, you start getting more profit in business.

So Guys, Hope you liked our article on Cyber Marketing. In this article we discussed topics like what is Cyber Marketing and Fayde of Cyber Marketing. If you have any question related to this article, then definitely tell us by commenting.

Best Ways to Stop Cyber attacks Using Isolation-Based Security


Isolation is one of the latest online security techniques that focus on threat separation instead of blocking access to computer systems. This approach allows users to click links within phishing emails or open malicious websites. No matter how many times they visit, they can never worry about malware or virus attacks.

It is a modern foundation of computer networks that allows resilience to various attacks. Through isolation, hackers and cyber criminals are barred from accessing computer systems, applications, or data. The approach puts the isolated application inside an isolating container and thus avoids system or data damage due to attacks.

Why is network isolation necessary?

Most cyberattacks rely on system vulnerabilities in different computer systems. The hackers are opportunists who keep finding flaws in websites so that they can add their codes to help them bypass security protocols. They may install malicious software or copy information and paste it into their computers.

This is why advanced browser security is a crucial consideration for any internet user. Organizations need browser isolation technology due to several reasons.

  • The dangers of web browsing – Websites are the most used in network access.
  • The need for increased productivity – Any type of attack leads to reduced productivity and losses.
  • The user interface has enormous numbers of users who access many other links and programs, which increases attack possibilities.

There are different types of cyberattacks:

  1. Malware attacks: Attackers install malicious software into the computer system. The types of software can be Trojans, worms, ransomware, or spyware. They can either block the system, steal data, or display unwanted ads.
  2. Phishing: This is an impersonating attack where cybercriminals send malicious emails that look real. Once the target opens the email or link, the attacker gains access to the target’s data immediately.
  3. Denial of service: This is an attack that overwhelms the system making it slow. These attacks may target business competitors in a bid to gain the competitor’s clients.
  4. Man-in-the-middle attacks: An attacker sandwiches themselves between the system and the client. They then hijack communication, but the target continues to think they are communicating with the right company.

Details by Statista show malware attacks in the first half of 2022 were more than 2.8 billion. 2021 recorded about 5.4 billion malware attacks. Another report by APWG Phishing Trends shows the total number of phishing attacks in December 2021 was 300,000. In 2021, the Internet Crime Report recorded 19,954 BECs and EACs complaints. The losses incurred were almost $2.4 billion. Due to increased attacks, companies are learning how to troubleshoot internet issues to identify possible threats. As a result, Denial of Service attacks dropped by 13.72% in the 2nd quarter of 2022.

Cyber-attacks happen due to three main reasons.

  • Computer network vulnerabilities: Attackers look for weak points in networks and take full advantage.
  • Not securing online access: Many tools enhance access to accounts. Unfortunately, a lot of users do not pay much attention to it. Research shows that 71% of people use the same password for multiple accounts. Over 23 million users use “123456” as a password.
  • Lack of knowledge of online risks: Many users lack knowledge of online security. Due to this, they never assess their accounts for security resilience.

Isolation-based security techniques

The top isolation solutions are cloud-based and do not need extra plugins to work. The technology keeps browsers safe and erases all actions after use to ensure high-value privacy and security. Isolation works with any type of device so that the end gains a seamless experience. It separates every threat but does not negatively affect productivity. Organizations use two main types of browser isolation.

  • Local isolation: This isolation is done on the specific user device using a sandbox or virtual machine.
  • Remote isolation: This isolation is done through a remote server which moves all browsing activities to remote environments. Users only access real-time activities from the server, which can either be located on-premise or cloud.

Organizations are more concerned today with unsafe browsing due to the dangers it poses. A Gartner report shows that 25% of companies will adopt browser isolation before the end of 2022. When isolation is implemented, it blocks threats and bypasses several other activities.

It lets you block threats through eight important techniques.

  1. Content isolation: This technique blocks all content that looks suspicious or is proven malicious. The content passes through the browser isolation system so that what reaches the user is only the safe content.
  2. Client isolation: The end user interface contains a feature called a client which initiates requests. The user sends requests from multiple devices. The isolation system keeps the client separate from the remote hosting server. If the end user is on-premise, the isolation exists within the premises.
  3. Public web: Many times, when users make requests, it passes through the public web to reach the backend. The reply is processed and follows the same path to the user, which leaves both the user and the back end vulnerable. For safety, all requests and replies pass through an isolation system and then are redirected to the user or back end.
  4. Web security service: This feature decides which content will be restricted. The service is configured to fit the business needs. The IT professionals may decide to block traffic entirely from specific websites. They may also decide to set it to pop-up warnings in case of any suspicious behavior.
  5. Hosting environment: In this technique, the entire isolation solution sits in a third-party cloud. All browsing passes through the cloud and never interferes with local infrastructure. The isolation solution can also sit in a virtual machine located in the same environment as the client.
  6. Threat isolation engine: This solution is used to separate threats in a virtual environment. The solution runs all requests in an isolated environment according to how it is configured.
  7. Web socket: In this solution, all data flows through a safe channel. Its configuration allows users to interact with browsers in real-time and does not affect quality.
    Secure and disposable container: This isolation uses a standalone application that runs independently in the cloud. The solution processes browser sessions in a boxed-in environment. Once each session ends, the container is disposed of.


Cyber-criminals are using complicated strategies to access company systems and steal data. Isolation is a technique that separates threats instead of blocking them. The technique barres attackers from accessing applications, data, and computer systems. The main types of cyberattacks include malware attacks, phishing, denial of service, and man-in-the-middle attacks.

What is a Search Engine and What is its use?

Every day you find and extract many information from the internet and for this you definitely use a medium, but have you tried to know what is this search engine and what is its use.

A search engine is a program that identifies and finds information in any database that is related to or based on the keywords entered by the user. Search engines are used to find websites on the World Wide Web.

If we want to get any information, then we do not have any problem in it and we search for the desired information ourselves.

There was a time when we had to ask our teachers and elders the answers to many questions. Still, there were many such questions for which we had to go to the library to find answers from books.

I still remember the days when while preparing for the exam, there were many such questions which were not found even after scouring the entire book.

But the answers to those questions were also available in the Internet. Even if we go back a little bit from that time, there was a time when there were less internet users and less website owners, then the information was not that much available.

What is Google and which country’s company it is, probably everyone would know, but along with being a website, few people know this as a search engine.

Yes, you understood it right, Google is not just a website, but it is a search engine and this is the way through which we get any information. It brings us the information asked by finding it from countless websites of the world.

If there were no search engines, it would have been very difficult for us to reach the website. Then we must have known the name of the website through promotion or advertisement or else we would have to keep the URL of that website as well.

Now think once and see what we do today. We do not have to remember the name of every website. Simply enter the keyword in the search engine and all the best websites related to it come in front of us.

We can understand very well how difficult it would have been to surf the internet without a search engine and access a work website.

That is why in this post we will know in detail what is a search engine.

Along with this, you will also know what is its use and other than Google, you will also know the names of other search engines.

Search Engine Information

A search engine is a type of software or program that works through the Internet. Which accesses the database (collection) of information based on the query entered by the user and then gives the best result to the user.

The search engine shows the result in the form of a list in which the best information is available for the information the user is searching for. Let us understand this with an example, suppose I want to know So we will put this keyword in Google or other search engine and search.

Now what Google will do here is that it will see all the websites in its database and will show us all those websites in the form of a list, with the keywords in which the website is computer.

The page in which Google shows all these websites by making a list, we call it the search engine result page.

Now at the top of this list will be the website which will be the best according to the search engine and which will follow all the rules according to its algorithm, which we also know by the name of Search Engine Optimization ie SEO.

The search engine wants to give an accurate answer to the question asked by the user to satisfy the user, so the website which has the best information is at the top of the SERP.

Today, if we talk about how many websites are there in the Internet today, which work like a search engine, then you will also know very well that there are many such websites available.

But the most popular of these is Google, apart from this, Bing, Yahoo, Ask.com, yandex are also used.

How does Search Engine Work?

Every search engine uses a very complex mathematical formula to generate the search result, only then the result is shown on the SERP for the searched keywords.

Its algorithm goes to the webpage of the website and from there it crawls the title, content, heading, keyword density and analyzes the key element.

After this, slowly compare the pages of the website and looking at the user satisfaction on each and every aspect, gives the ranking of the web page in the SERP.

The algorithm of every search engine is unique. That is why it happens that the post which is at number 1 in the ranking of Yahoo is at some other number in the ranking of Google.

This happens in all search engines, the ranking of each post is different in the other.

The algorithm used by these engines is kept quite secret and it is tried to improve it by constantly changing it.

This means that to understand a search engine, you have to experiment in it and see the result.

Also, the error found in it will also have to be analyzed and it will have to be done not just once but again and again because the update is always happening in the algorithm.

For many people, Google is the Internet, for them this is the first step to find another site and if truth is to be believed, it is the biggest invention in the Internet world.

If there were no such websites, then not everyone could get so much information easily. But have you ever tried to know how this search engine works?

Otherwise, let’s understand it.

Every search engine has three main stages:

  1. Crawling
  2. Indexing and
  3. Retrieval & Ranking.