Which amongst the following is/are correct?
(i) After the revolt, British army was thoroughly reorganised to prevent such events in future.
(ii) Establishment of three universities at Calcutta, Madras and Bombay took place in 1857.
“The History of the War of Indian Independence” is a book written by –
In which country was Bahadur Shah II exiled by the British after the end of war of independence?
Which of the following is one of the social reasons for 1857 revolt?
Which of the following leader associated with Barut in Uttar Pradesh during the 1857 revolts?
Who became the first Viceroy after the revolt?
Who among the following British Officials suppressed the Revolt of Jhansi?
Which amongst the following is/are correct?
(i) After the revolt, British did not respect the rights and dignity of the native princes.
(ii) Paramountcy of British Crown was there after the revolt and Indian states came under a single charge.
Who amongst the following leaders of ‘1857’ was the first to lay down his/her life?
Consider the following statements related to the cause of the 1857 revolt and select the right one.