The sum of two numbers is 135 and their HCF is 9. How many such pairs of numbers can be formed ?
HCF of two numbers is 12 and their product is 3600. How many such pairs of numbers can be formed?
Find the HCF of 2378 and 3280.
Find the greatest possible length which can be used to measure 4 m 3 cm, 4 m 34 cm and 4 m 65 cm exactly.
If x is a prime number, then find LCM of x and (x+1).
The LCM and GCD of two numbers are 240 and 16 respectively. If the two numbers are in the ratio 3 : 5, the numbers are
Find the least perfect square number which is exactly divisible by 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8.
Find the least number of girls, so that they can be arranged in the groups of 15 or 20 or 30.
Three different containers contain different qualities of mixtures of milk and water whose measurements are 403 kg, 434 kg and 465 kg. What biggest measure must be there to measure all different qualities an exact number of times?
LCM of two numbers is 12 times of their HCF. Sum of LCM and HCF is 195. If one of them is 60. Find the other.
Find the least number which when divided by 12, 15, 20 and 24 leaves the same remainder 2 in each case.
Five bells toll at an interval of 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 s. How many times they will toll together in 1 hr?
Two numbers are in the ratio 3 : 5. Their LCM is 600. Find the sum of the numbers.