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MCQ on Plant growth and development for NEET

MCQ on Plant growth and development for NEET : Crack the NEET exam this year with 100 % success

MCQ on Plant growth and development for NEET

MCQ on Plant growth and development for NEET : Plants complete their vegetative phase to move into reproductive phase in which flower and fruits are formed for continuation of life cycle of plant. Development is the sum of two processes growth and differentiation. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors control the process of growth and development in plants.


It is a permanent or irreversible increase in dry weight, size, mass or volume of cell, organ or organism. It is internal or intrinsic in living beings. In plants growth is accomplished by cell division, increase in cell number and cell enlargement. So, growth is a quantitative phenomenon which can be measured in relation to time.

Conditions of Growth

Essential elements required for growth are:

  • Water is essential and also required for enzymatic activity. Turgidity helps in growth
  • Oxygen is required for respiration and metabolism of organic compounds to release energy required for growth
  • Macro and micronutrients are required as an energy source and for the synthesis of protoplasm

Development:- It is the sequence of events that occur in the life history of cell, organ or organism which includes seed germination, growth, differentiation, maturation, flowering, seed formation and senescence.

Sequence of development process in plant cell:- Different structures develop in different phases of growth as well as in response to environment. The ability to change under the influence of internal or external stimuli is called plasticity. Heterophylly in cotton plant is the example of plasticity.

Plant Growth Regulators are simple molecules of diverse chemical composition which may be indole compounds, adenine derivatives or derivatives of carotenoids.

  1. Auxin
  2. Gibberellins
  3. Cytokinins
  4. Ethylene
  5. Abscisic acid

Photoperiodism :- It refers to the effect of the duration of light on plant growth and development, especially flowering. Flowering plants are classified into the following categories, based on their flowering pattern in response to light:

  1. Short day plants: Flowering is initiated on the exposure of light for a shorter duration
  2. Long day plants: Flowering is initiated on the exposure of light for a longer duration
  3. Day-neutral plants: Flowering does not depend on the duration of light exposure
MCQ on Plant growth and development for NEET
MCQ on Plant growth and development for NEET

MCQ on Plant growth and development for NEET

The following are the 10 most important MCQ on plant Growth and Development for NEET aspirants

1. Eylene is used for

(a) Retarding ripening of tomatoes

(b) Hastening of ripening of fruits

(c) Slowing down ripening of apples

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Answer :- D

2. Coconut milk contains

(a) ABA                                  (b) Auxin

(c) Cytokinin                         (d) Gibberellin

Answer :- C

3. The effect of apical dominance can be overcome by which of the following hormone

(a) IAA                                   (b) Ethylene

(c) Gibberellin                       (d) Cytokinin        

Answer :- A

4. Apples are generally wrapped in waxed paper to

(a) Prevent sunlight for changing its colour. the entry of

(b) Prevent aerobic respiration by checking

(c) Prevent ethylene formation due to injury.

(d) Make the apples look attractive.

Answer :- A

5. Growth can be measured in various ways. Which of these can be used as parameters to me sure growth?

(a) Increase in cell number

(b) Increase in cell size

(c) Increase in length and weight

(d) All the above

Answer :- D

6. The term synergistic action of hormones refers to

(a) When two hormones act together but bring about opposite effects.

(b) When two hormones act together and contribute to the same function.

(c) When one hormone affects more than one function.

(d) When many hormones bring about any one function.

Answer :- D

7. Plasticity in plant growth means that

(a) Plant roots are extensible

(b) Plant growth is dependent on the environment

(c) Stems can extend

(d) None of these

Answer :- C

8. To increase the sugar production in sugarcanes, they are sprayed with

(a) IAA                                   (b) Cytokinin        

(c) Gibberellin                       (d) Ethylene

Answer :- C

9. ABA acts antagonistic to

(a) Ethylene                           (b) Cytokinin        

(c) Gibberellic acid               (d) IAA

Answer :- C

10. Monocarpic plants are those which

(a) Bear flowers with one ovary

(b) Flower once and die

(c) Bear only one flower

(d) All the above

Answer :- D


Also Visit: Respiration in plants MCQ for NEET

MCQ on Plant growth and development for NEET
MCQ on Plant growth and development for NEET

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