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Respiration in plants MCQ for NEET


Respiration in plants MCQ for NEET
Respiration in plants MCQ for NEET

Respiration in plants MCQ for NEET – INTRODUCTION

The method by which cells get chemical energy by the consumption of oxygen and the liberating of carbon dioxide is called respiration. In order to carry on respiration, plant cells require oxygen and a means of disposing of carbon dioxide just as animal cells do. In plants, every part such as root, stem executes respiration as plants do not possess any particular organs like animals for the exchange of gases. Types of Respiration

There are two kinds of respiration which we categorize on the basis of the absence or presence of oxygen:

Aerobic Respiration

The respiration that occurs in the presence of oxygen is named aerobic respiration due to ‘air’ which has oxygen. Animals and plants that use oxygen for respiration are aerobes. Mostly all the animals have aerobic respiration.

C6H12O6 +6O2 ⟶ 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy

All the organisms that gain energy by aerobic respiration cannot exist without oxygen. Aerobic respiration takes more energy because a complete breaking of glucose takes place during respiration with the use of oxygen.

Anaerobic Respiration

The respiration that occurs in the absence of oxygen is known as anaerobic respiration. In this process, the incomplete oxidation of food substance is being made by carbon dioxide CO2 and alcohol (OH). Beside this other organic matter such as citric acid, oxalic acid, lactic acid, etc are also produced.

Glucose Alcohol + CO2 + (Energy)

Yeast is known to be a single-celled fungus. Yeast respires anaerobically and all through this process, yeast transforms glucose into alcohol. So it is used to make alcohol, bread, etc. Anaerobic respiration yields much less energy due to the only partial break down of glucose happens in anaerobic respiration in the absence of oxygen. All the organisms which gain energy by anaerobic respiration can exist without the oxygen.

Respiration in plants MCQ for NEET
Respiration in plants MCQ for NEET

Respiration in plants MCQ for NEET

1. In which one of the following processes CO2 is not released?

(a) Aerobic respiration in plants

(b) Acrobic respiration in animals

(c) Alcoholic fermentation

(d) Lactate fermentation

Answer: D

2. Cytochromes are found in

(a) Matrix of mitochondria

(b) Outer wall of mitochondria

(c) Cristae of mitochondria

(d) Lysosomes

Answer: C

3. Which of the following biomolecules is common to respiration mediated breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins?

(a) Fructose 1, 6 bisphosphate

(b) Pyruvic acid

(c) Acetyl Co-A

(d) Glucose-6-phosphate

Answer: C

4. The ultimate electron acceptor of respiration in an aerobic organism is

(a) Cytochrome

(b) Oxygen

(c) Hydrogen

(d) Glucose

Answer: B

5. Phosphorylation of glucose during glycolysis is catalysed by

(a) Phosphoglucomutase

(b) Phosphoglucoisomerase

(c) Hexokinase

(d) Phosphorylase

Answer: C

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